Classic Hot Toddy Recipe

By Flavor My Taste Staff

February 12, 2024

Classic Hot Toddy Recipe
The classic Hot Toddy not only brings comfort on a cold night but is steeped in history, dating back to the 18th century. This winter drink, often cited for its healing properties, has been a staple in homes, providing a respite from the harshness of cold seasons. The blend of whiskey, honey, and lemon creates a warming cocktail that has stood the test of time. 
Imagine a time when medicine was scarce, and the common cold viewed with dread. The Hot Toddy was there, offering a sweet, sour, and potent remedy. Each steaming cup served not only as a beverage but also as a promise of warmth and well-being. This recipe spans across generations, telling the tale of countless nights made bearable through its soothing embrace. 

Hot Toddy Ingredients: Crafting Comfort in a Cup

What makes a Hot Toddy an epitome of comfort during winter? It's the carefully chosen ingredients that blend seamlessly to warm the soul. At the heart of our classic recipe lies 1.5 oz of Bourbon whiskey, known for its rich and full-bodied flavor. It's a crucial component that gives the Toddy its character. 
But it's not all about the whiskey. The sweetness from 1 tablespoon of honey counters the potent alcohol, adding a comforting viscosity to the mixture. Then, 0.5 oz of fresh lemon juice cuts through with a zesty tang, offering a bright contrast to the honey's sweetness, and a cup of hot water melds all the flavors together in one harmonious hot drink. To finish, a cinnamon stick and three whole cloves provide an aromatic spiciness that spells out 'home'. 

Benefits of a Hot Toddy: More Than Just a Warm Drink?

Beyond its status as a warm cocktail, the Hot Toddy is celebrated for its potential health benefits. Historically valued as a remedy for the common cold, each winter drink component serves a purpose. The steam and warmth help with congestion, while honey coats and soothes the throat. Meanwhile, lemon provides a dose of vitamin C, and the whiskey? Well, it helps you get a good night's rest. 
While the medicinal efficacy of a Hot Toddy against colds is a topic of folklore and not scientific consensus, it's undeniable that sipping on one provides a great deal of psychological and physical comfort. It's a nurturing elixir that many turn to for a sense of relaxation and solace amidst the winter blues. 

Memories Stirred: Personal Hot Toddy Experience

I remember the first time I was introduced to the Hot Toddy. It was a freezing winter evening, and I was visiting my grandmother. She handed me a mug, the rim fogged over from the steam, with a gentle aroma of spices wafting through the air. With the first sip, I felt embraced by its warmth. It was more than just the heat — it was years of tradition and care in that single cup. 
Since then, the Hot Toddy has become my go-to winter remedy. Whether I've had a long day or just need to thaw from winter's chill, the ritual of brewing this simple yet rich concoction is therapeutic. It's a personal tradition now, one that connects me to my past and guides me through the coldest of nights. 

Twists on the Traditional Hot Toddy Recipe

While the traditional Hot Toddy recipe has withstood the passage of time, there's always room for a twist to suit modern tastes or dietary needs. For those preferring a non-alcoholic version, bourbon can be substituted with apple cider, adding a tangy sweetness that complements the honey and lemon perfectly. 
For those looking for a more exotic or potent experience, experiment with different types of whiskey or add more spices. A small slice of lemon with cloves pierced into it not only makes for a practical addition, ensuring you don't sip them up, but also adds a decorative touch to your comforting beverage. 

Classic Hot Toddy Recipe

Prep time: 5 minutes | Total time: 5 minutes


Makes 1 Cocktail
  • 1 1/2 oz of bourbon whiskey
  • 1 tbsp of honey
  • 1/2 oz of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 3 whole cloves


  • 1 1. Pour the bourbon whiskey into a preheated mug.
  • 2 2. Add the honey and fresh lemon juice.
  • 3 3. Top up the mug with hot water and stir until the honey is dissolved.
  • 4 4. Add a cinnamon stick and the whole cloves to the mug.
  • 5 5. Allow the drink to steep for a minute before enjoying.


For a non-alcoholic version, substitute bourbon whiskey with apple cider. Additionally, the cloves can be pierced into a small slice of lemon, making it easier to avoid them as you drink.